Category Archives: Marine Life

Shark Week and Sharks in Peril – help the sharks

Sharks are in trouble and need your help. The list of endangered shark species is depressingly long. Sharks are not only magnificent animals themselves but they also play a key role in the health of many marine ecosystems.

In this article Underwater Herald introduces  two resources where you can go to learn and do more: The “Sharks in Peril” project by Project Aware and “Shark Week”, which is not just a  TV event but has an extensive web site that you can access year around.

Angelshark (Squatina squatina) off Tenerife, C...
Angelshark (Squatina squatina) is one of the critically endangered shark species. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Shark Week

Discovery Channel organized its first Shark Week in 1987 and it is said to be the longest running cable television programming event in the history.

Shark Week may have started as a TV event but has grown way beyond that. The Shark Week 2014 TV event is still a few months away — in August — but the Shark Week web site is all you need to start learning about sharks and contributing to their protection. The site is full of information, videos and possibilities to contribute.  You can track the travels of your favorite shark live, make a virtual shark dive or watch a shark cam. You can also find a section full of Shark Week 2013 videos and information.

To take action to help sharks go the Save Sharks section of the site.
As you could expect, Shark Week is also on  Twitter and Facebook.

Mind you, there was controversy around Shark Week 2013 because some of the TV programming was overly dramatized. This takes little value away from the web site, however, and let us hope that in 2014 the Shark Week TV programming is documentary.

Sharks in Peril

Many divers have heard of Project AWARE, a divers’ movement to protect the ocean planet.  The Sharks in Peril project is a part of the wider Project AWARE movement.

The Sharks in Peril web pages are a good starting point for learning more about sharks and their need for protection. You can contribute through donations or by joining Project AWARE and participating local events for shark conservation. In the Resource Zone you can find more ways to contribute and do not forget to keep an eye on the Latest Updates section.

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Curious seal helps in mask clearing

Here is a heartwarming video about a seal that is curious to learn more about how to clear the mask…

Apparently the video takes place in North Sea.

This video was uploaded to YouTube by Ben Burville. It would be interesting to know if  Ben himself appears on the video.  If you have the answer, please leave a comment.

This is not the only close encounter with a seal reported in Underwater Herald. Few months ago we wrote about the boy and the seal.

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Give me my camera, you octopus!

To make a great underwater film you need to get up close and personal with the creatures of the sea. Sometimes it just may happen that the creatures get, well, way too close and personal.

David Malvestuto and Warren Murray were diving in the waters near Carmel, California. Suddenly a giant Pacific octopus, which had been camouflaged and gone unnoticed by the men, started to move. Murray spotted the movement and turned towards the octopus and assumed it might swim away.

The octopus, however, had different plans. It wrapped its tentacles around Murray’s camera, hands and arms and would not let go. A golden opportunity for some film making:

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Palau to promote snorkelling, scuba diving and ecotourism

Palau, a Pacific island nation will become a marine sanctuary says President Tommy Remengesau Jr. while addressing a United Nations meeting.

Palau President Tommy Remengesau
Palau President Tommy Remengesau (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This move will enable Palau to preserve “a pristine environment” and to find an alternative  path to economic growth through promotion of snorkelling, scuba diving and ecotourism.

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