Tag Archives: Argentina

Diving holidays: South America

For many of us, South America is the big unknown at least when it comes to diving. If you are looking for an opportunity to get your flippers wet in South American waters, here are some great dive sites from Ecuador, Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina.

English: South America. An orthographic projec...
South America. An orthographic projection of NASA’s Blue Marble data set (1 km resolution global satellite composite). Image generated by custom Python code with orthographic projection formulas from MathWorld. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Source: gosouthamerica.about.com

The coastline of South America offers some of the most diverse and interesting terrain in the world, ranging from the warm and pleasant waters around the equator through to one of the closest land points in the world to Antarctica. This means that there is a wonderful variety of scuba diving to enjoy around the continent, including some of the most spectacular and memorable diving spots in the world. Whether you are a scuba diving novice or are looking for a challenging trip, the coast of South America will have a great destination for you.

Read the full article at http://gosouthamerica.about.com

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